1. Contact Information:
First Name:  Last Name: 
Address:  City: 
Province:  Postal Code: 
Home Phone:  Work Phone: 
Fax:  E-mail: 
Please contact me... 
2. Property Information:
Date Property Purchased:
 Condominium:  Freehold: 
 Basement:    Approximate
Sq. Footage: 
 Bedrooms:   Bathrooms:    Kitchens: 
 Parking Spaces Required:  Parking Type: 
Special Features of Property: 
Type of Heat:
Central Air Conditioning?
If Condominium, balcony type:
If Condominium, Maintenance Fees: /month
Questions / Comments:
Security Question: 2 + 4 =



Beverley Varcoe, CRES, FRI, SRES, MVA-Residential
- Broker -


Royal LePage Your Community Realty, Brokerage

14799 Yonge Street, Aurora, Ontario L4G1N1

Phone 905-727-3154

Fax 905-727-7702 416-402-0002


-Independently Owned and Operated-

Not intended to solicit properties currently listed for sale
or individuals currently under contract with a brokerage.

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