When it comes time to make an offer, I can as your Real Estate Professional provide current market information and will assist you in drafting your offer.

As your Real Estate Professional, I will communicate the offer, sometimes known as an Offer to Purchase, to the seller, or the seller's representative, on your behalf. 

Sometimes there may be more than one offer on a property coming in at the same time. As your Real Estate Professional, I can guide you through this process.

Usually preferable to the seller, because it means that you are prepared to purchase the home without any conditions. If the offer is accepted, the home is yours.

Usually means that you have placed one or more conditions on the purchase, such as "subject to home inspection", "subject to financing" or "subject to sale of buyer's existing home". The home is not sold until all the conditions have been met.

Your Offer to Purchase will be presented as soon as possible. The seller may accept the offer, reject it, or submit a counter-offer. The counter-offer may be in reference to the price, the closing date, or any number of variables. The offers can go back and forth until both parties have agreed or one of you ends the negotiations.


Christina Candy, B.A. Paralegal

- Broker -


Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage

2145 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario M5M4B2

Direct 416.399.5885

Office 416.441.2888 ex 546

Fax 416-441-9926

Not intended to solicit properties currently listed for sale
or individuals currently under contract with a brokerage.

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